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Post Landing

Services Provided Post Landing

‘Change is the only constant,’ as the old adage goes. It is critical for us to adapt to new situations since it is the only way for us to progress in life. Even if we have to move rooms within the same house, everything goes out of whack; image moving to a different country in the midst of an unfamiliar crowd. It is, without a doubt, a difficult task! However, we are here to assist you. At Grades Global Immigration Services Limited, we make certain that we assist you all the way through your migration. We not only help you celebrate your success in obtaining an Australian visa, but we also assist you in overcoming any challenges you may encounter after you arrive in Australia. Among the services we provide are:

  1. Pick-up at the airport: Our representative will meet you at the airport to ensure that you are not lost in the new nation. Before you embark on your journey, you will be issued a local SIM card and a phone number.
  2. Accommodation: We will initially give you with a decent place to stay while you get to know your surroundings, and then we will assist you in organising your accommodation afterwards.
  3. Essentials: Our staff will assist you in creating a bank account, obtaining health insurance, obtaining a driver’s licence, and assisting with school admissions for children, among other things.
  4. Job Assistance: Because you’ve relocated for a better life, you’ll need to find work that you enjoy. Our representative will assist you throughout the process, from writing a solid resume in accordance with Australian regulations to placements in some of the country’s most well-known organisations. In this regard, you will receive any and all aid possible.

“Those who can manage change successfully will survive, not the strongest or the most intelligent.” We at Grades Global Immigration Services Limited are here to help you adjust to a new environment and manage your affairs. Your colony will bring us pure joy in every manner. We don’t seek out clients; we seek out friends.

Why Grades Global Immigration Services Limited?

The top Immigration Consultant at Grades Global Immigration Services Limited will assist you in resolving any of your Canadian/Australian immigration-related questions. You can reach us by calling +91-8800149591 or emailing us at Fill out the Technical Assessment Form as well. One of our experts will call you as soon as possible to discuss the Canada/Australia PR issue. Our professionals have over ten years of experience. Allow Grades Global Immigration Services Limited to help you arrange your immigration to Canada or Australia to realise your goal.

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Top Rated By Customers and Immigration Firms With 100% Success Rate.